WhatsApp Business API: Everything You Need To See [2024]

August 7, 2023

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion active users. It's no surprise that businesses are now using WhatsApp to communicate with their customers. WhatsApp Business API is a powerful tool that allows businesses to communicate with their customers in a more efficient and effective way. In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know about WhatsApp Business API, including its advantages, features, requirements, and best practices.

What is WhatsApp Business API?

WhatsApp Business API is a platform that allows businesses to communicate with their customers on WhatsApp. It is a paid service offered by WhatsApp that enables businesses to use the WhatsApp platform for customer support, sales, and marketing.

With WhatsApp Business API, businesses can send messages to customers, automate responses to frequently asked questions, and offer support in real-time. This can help businesses to improve customer engagement, provide better customer service, and increase sales.

Advantages of Using WhatsApp Business API

There are several advantages of using WhatsApp Business API for your business. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Improved Customer Engagement: WhatsApp Business API allows businesses to engage with their customers in a more personalized and interactive way. It enables businesses to send messages, notifications, and alerts to their customers, which can help improve customer engagement and satisfaction.
  • Increased Efficiency: WhatsApp Business API can help businesses save time and resources by automating certain tasks such as sending notifications and alerts. This can help businesses focus on other important tasks such as customer service and sales.
  • Enhanced Security: WhatsApp Business API offers end-to-end encryption, which means that all messages sent and received are secure and private. This can help businesses protect their customer data and build trust with their customers.
  • Global Reach: WhatsApp Business API is available in over 180 countries, which means that businesses can reach customers all over the world. This can help businesses expand their customer base and increase their revenue.
WhatsApp Business API

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Features of WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business API offers a range of features that can help businesses communicate with their customers in a more effective way. Here are some of the key features:

  • Messaging Templates: WhatsApp Business API offers pre-approved message templates that businesses can use to send messages to their customers. These templates can help businesses save time and ensure that their messages are compliant with WhatsApp's policies.
  • Automated Messages: WhatsApp Business API allows businesses to automate certain messages such as welcome messages, order confirmations, and appointment reminders. This can help businesses save time and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Group Messaging: WhatsApp Business API allows businesses to send messages to groups of customers. This can help businesses reach a larger audience and improve their marketing efforts.
  • Multimedia Messaging: WhatsApp Business API allows businesses to send multimedia messages such as images, videos, and audio files. This can help businesses create more engaging and interactive messages for their customers.

WhatsApp Business API Hosting & Pricing

WhatsApp Business API hosting options and pricing can vary depending on the business's needs and requirements. Generally, there are two hosting options available for businesses using WhatsApp Business API: self-hosted or cloud-hosted.

Self-Hosted Option

The self-hosted option means that the business hosts the WhatsApp Business API on its own servers. This option provides greater control over the data and messaging infrastructure, but it requires more technical expertise and resources to set up and maintain. The cost of self-hosting will depend on the business's IT infrastructure and resources.

Cloud-Hosted Option

The cloud-hosted option means that the WhatsApp Business API is hosted on a third-party cloud hosting provider's servers. This option requires less technical expertise and is easier to set up and maintain, but the business will have less control over the data and messaging infrastructure. The cost of cloud hosting will depend on the hosting provider, and pricing is usually based on usage.


In terms of pricing, WhatsApp Business API charges businesses based on the number of messages sent and received, as well as any additional services or features used. There is also a one-time setup fee to activate the service. The exact pricing will depend on the hosting option chosen and the business's messaging needs.

Comparison Between WhatsApp Business & WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business Free Account:

  • It is a free account that can be used by small businesses or sole proprietors.
  • It can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store and allows businesses to create a business profile with basic information.
  • It allows businesses to communicate with customers using WhatsApp messaging features, including text, images, and voice messages.
  • It does not offer advanced automation or integration capabilities, and all communication is manual.
  • It has limited features and can only be used by one user at a time.

WhatsApp Business API:

  • It is a paid account that is designed for larger businesses or enterprises.
  • It offers advanced automation and integration capabilities, allowing businesses to integrate with their CRM or ERP systems, automate messages, and use chatbots.
  • It supports two-way messaging and enables businesses to send various types of messages, including multimedia messages, templates, and location-based messages.
  • It provides more in-depth analytics, allowing businesses to measure engagement and success rates.
  • It requires a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP) to set up and maintain.

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How to Get Started with WhatsApp Business API

To get started with WhatsApp Business API, businesses need to meet certain requirements and follow a few steps. Here's what you need to do:

Step 1- To use WhatsApp Business API, businesses need to have a Facebook Business Manager account, a verified WhatsApp Business Account, and a phone number that can receive SMS messages.

Step 2- Request Access: Businesses can request access to WhatsApp Business API by filling out a form on the WhatsApp Business API website. The form requires businesses to provide information about their business, including their website, Facebook page, and business type.

Step 3- Approval Process: Once businesses have submitted their request, WhatsApp will review their application and decide whether to approve it. The approval process can take several weeks, and businesses will be notified via email once their application has been approved.

Step 4- Integration: Once businesses have been approved, they can integrate WhatsApp Business API into their existing systems or use a third-party provider to manage their WhatsApp Business API account.

Advantages Of Choosing WhatsApp BSP Partners For Business API Account

Choosing a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP) as your partner for WhatsApp Business API implementation and maintenance can offer several benefits, including:

  • Expertise and support: WhatsApp BSPs have experience in implementing and maintaining WhatsApp Business API, so they can provide expert guidance and support throughout the process.
  • Faster implementation: Working with a WhatsApp BSP can help expedite the implementation process, as they already have the necessary technical expertise and infrastructure in place.
  • Compliance with WhatsApp guidelines: BSPs are familiar with WhatsApp's guidelines and policies, ensuring that your implementation is compliant with WhatsApp's terms of service and privacy policies.
  • Access to additional features: WhatsApp BSPs may offer additional features, such as chatbot development, integration with CRM systems, and reporting and analytics tools.
  • Dedicated support: Many WhatsApp BSPs offer dedicated support and account management, ensuring that any issues are quickly resolved and that you have a reliable point of contact.

Overall, working with a WhatsApp BSP can make the implementation and maintenance of WhatsApp Business API smoother and more efficient, while also providing access to additional features and dedicated support.

Which Industries Can Use WhatsApp Business API?

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WhatsApp Business API can be used by businesses in a wide range of industries, including:


Retail businesses can use WhatsApp Business API to increase your customer loyalty and engagement by any many more things like:

  • Customer support: Retailers can use WhatsApp to provide customer support to their customers. Customers can reach out to the retailer through WhatsApp to ask questions about products, returns, shipping, and other issues. The retailer can respond in real-time, providing quick and efficient customer service.
  • Order updates: Retailers can use WhatsApp to provide customers with updates on their orders. The retailer can send messages to customers when their order is processed, shipped, and delivered, keeping them informed every step of the way.
  • Marketing: Retailers can use WhatsApp to promote their products and services to customers. They can send personalized messages and promotions to customers based on their purchase history and preferences, helping to drive sales and customer loyalty.
  • Feedback: Retailers can use WhatsApp to gather feedback from their customers. Customers can provide feedback on products, services, and the overall shopping experience, giving the retailer valuable insights into how they can improve.


The hospitality industry can use WhatsApp Business API in various ways to improve customer engagement and communication. Here are some examples:

  • Booking confirmations and reminders: Hotels and resorts can use WhatsApp to send booking confirmations and reminders to their guests. This provides a convenient and quick way for guests to access their booking information and to get reminders about their upcoming reservations.
  • Guest requests and inquiries: Guests can use WhatsApp to make requests, ask questions or lodge complaints during their stay. Hotels can use the WhatsApp Business API to respond to these inquiries in real-time, improving the guest experience and building customer loyalty.
  • Promotions and offers: The hospitality industry can use WhatsApp to send promotional messages and offers to their guests, providing a personalized experience that can drive sales and encourage repeat bookings.
  • Room service and amenities ordering: Hotels and resorts can offer a WhatsApp-based ordering system for room service and amenities. Guests can easily place orders through WhatsApp, which can be directed to the appropriate department for fulfillment.
  • Feedback: Hotels and resorts can use WhatsApp to gather feedback from their guests on their experience. This can help the hotel identify areas for improvement and provide guests with a more satisfying stay.


The healthcare industry can use the WhatsApp Business API in various ways to improve patient communication and engagement. Here are some examples:

  • Appointment reminders and confirmations: Healthcare providers can use WhatsApp to send appointment reminders and confirmations to their patients. This provides a convenient and quick way for patients to access their appointment information and to get reminders about their upcoming appointments.
  • Health updates and advice: Healthcare providers can use WhatsApp to send health updates and advice to their patients, including information about medications, treatments, and healthy living tips.
  • Test results and reports: Healthcare providers can use WhatsApp to send test results and reports to their patients, allowing them to access their medical information in a secure and convenient way.
  • Patient inquiries and support: Patients can use WhatsApp to make inquiries, ask questions or report issues to their healthcare provider. The healthcare provider can use the WhatsApp Business API to respond to these inquiries in real-time, improving patient satisfaction and engagement.
  • Health education and promotion: Healthcare providers can use WhatsApp to send health education materials and promote healthy behaviors, helping patients to stay informed and make better health decisions.


The finance industry can use the WhatsApp Business API in various ways to improve customer engagement and communication. Here are some examples:

  • Account updates and alerts: Banks and financial institutions can use WhatsApp to send account updates and alerts to their customers, including balance notifications, transaction confirmations, and security alerts.
  • Customer service: Banks and financial institutions can use WhatsApp to provide customer service to their customers, allowing them to ask questions, report issues, and get support in real-time.
  • Loan and credit applications: Banks and financial institutions can use WhatsApp to allow customers to apply for loans and credit directly through the app, providing a convenient and efficient way for customers to access financial services.
  • Investment advice and updates: Financial advisors can use WhatsApp to provide investment advice and updates to their clients, keeping them informed and engaged with their financial portfolios.
  • Promotions and offers: Financial institutions can use WhatsApp to send promotional messages and offers to their customers, providing a personalized experience that can drive sales and encourage customer loyalty.

Best Practices of Using WhatsApp Business API

To get the most out of WhatsApp Business API, businesses should follow these best practices:

1. Personalize Messages: Businesses should personalize their messages to make them more engaging and relevant to their customers.

2. Use Messaging Templates: Businesses should use messaging templates to ensure that their messages are compliant with WhatsApp's policies and save time.

3. Respond Quickly: Businesses should respond to customer messages as quickly as possible to improve customer satisfaction.

4. Use Multimedia Messages: Businesses should use multimedia messages such as images and videos to create more engaging and interactive messages for their customers.

Future of WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business API is still a relatively new service, and there is a lot of potential for its future. Some of the potential developments include:

1. More Advanced Automation: WhatsApp Business API could offer more advanced automation features, such as chatbots and artificial intelligence.

2. Integration with Other Services: WhatsApp Business API could integrate with other services such as payment gateways and customer relationship management systems.

3. More Customization Options: WhatsApp Business API could offer more customization options for businesses to create more personalized messages for their customers.

WhatsApp Business API Message Templates

here are some examples of WhatsApp Business API message templates:

  • Order confirmation template: This template can be used to confirm a customer's order, including order details and estimated delivery time.

[Order ID]: [Product Name] [Quantity]: [Number of items] [Total Amount]: [Total price] [Estimated Delivery Time]: [Delivery date and time]

  • Appointment reminder template: This template can be used to remind customers of an upcoming appointment, including appointment details and location.

[Appointment Date]: [Date and time] [Location]: [Address or location name] [Reminder Message]: Don't forget your upcoming appointment with us! Please be on time.

  • Account update template: This template can be used to notify customers of an account update, such as a balance change or a new transaction.

[Account Update]: [New Balance/Transaction Details] [Date]: [Date and time of the update] [Message]: Your account has been updated with the following details. Please check your account for more information.

  • Promotional message template: This template can be used to promote a product or service to customers.

[Promotion Name]: [Product/Service Name] [Discount Offer]: [Discount percentage] [Validity]: [Promotion validity date] [Message]: Don't miss out on this exclusive offer. Use the code [code] and get [discount]% off on your next purchase.

  • Customer feedback template: This template can be used to gather feedback from customers.

[Message]: We'd love to hear your feedback on [topic/subject]. Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us.

Note that these templates can be customized and tailored to fit the specific needs of each business.

How WhatsApp Business API Can Help Small Businesses

WhatsApp Business API can help small businesses grow by providing a more efficient and convenient way to communicate with customers. Here are some ways in which WhatsApp Business API can benefit small businesses:

  • Improved customer engagement: WhatsApp provides a direct channel of communication between businesses and customers, allowing for real-time engagement and support. This can help businesses build stronger relationships with customers and improve customer loyalty.
  • Automated messaging: The WhatsApp Business API allows for automated messaging, which can save small businesses time and resources. Automated messaging can be used for tasks such as sending order confirmations, appointment reminders, and shipping updates.
  • Personalized messaging: WhatsApp Business API allows small businesses to send personalized messages to their customers, based on their preferences and previous interactions. This can help businesses create a more tailored customer experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Cost-effective communication: WhatsApp Business API is a cost-effective way for small businesses to communicate with their customers, as it does not require expensive hardware or software. This can help small businesses save money on communication costs, while still providing a high-quality customer experience.
  • Increased visibility: WhatsApp has over 2 billion active users, which means that small businesses using the WhatsApp Business API can potentially reach a large audience. This can help small businesses increase their visibility and reach new customers.

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How Can You Enhance your WhatsApp Experience Without WhatsApp Business API?

You may be at the stage where investing in WhatsApp Business API is too early for you. But you still want to do client follow-ups, send promotional automated messages, schedule messages, set reminders, or any other WhatsApp Business API features. Now What can you do?

You can try our Eazybe Chrome Extension where you can literally do all these things for free. You can sync your Google Sheets, CRM, Notes, and Client Details, everything with your WhatsApp. Not only this, you can use it as a Birthday Reminder App where you can set reminders directly on WhatsApp.

Eazybe comes with loads of in-built features and integration which you can use to boost your small business via WhatsApp. Confused about how to download Eazybe Chrome Extension?

  • Open Chrome Web Store and search “Eazybe” or Click Here.
  • Now Scan WhatsApp Web QR Code.
  • Voila! You will now see Eazybe Chrome Extension on Your WhatsApp Web.
  • Enjoy The Experience and Do Give Us The Feedback!

Wrapping Up

WhatsApp Business API is a powerful tool that can help businesses communicate with their customers in a more efficient and effective way. It offers a range of features and benefits that can help businesses improve their customer engagement, save time and resources, and expand their customer base.

By following the best practices and using messaging templates, businesses can get the most out of WhatsApp Business API and improve their overall customer experience.


Q. What is WhatsApp Business API?

A. WhatsApp Business API is a version of WhatsApp designed for businesses, which allows them to communicate with customers using the WhatsApp messaging platform.

Q. How do I get started with WhatsApp Business API?

A. To use WhatsApp Business API, you'll need to sign up with a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP) and create a WhatsApp Business Account.

Q. What kind of messages can I send using WhatsApp Business API?

A. You can send various types of messages using WhatsApp Business API, including text messages, images, videos, and documents.

Q. Is there a cost to use WhatsApp Business API?

A. Yes, there are costs associated with using WhatsApp Business API, including fees for messaging, set up, and ongoing maintenance.

Q. Can I use WhatsApp Business API to send promotional messages?

A. Yes, you can use WhatsApp Business API to send promotional messages to your customers, but you must follow WhatsApp's rules and guidelines for promotional messaging.

Q. Can I use WhatsApp Business API to automate messaging?

A. Yes, you can use WhatsApp Business API to automate messaging, allowing you to save time and resources by sending messages automatically.

Q. Can I use WhatsApp Business API for customer service?

A. Yes, WhatsApp Business API is a great tool for customer service, as it allows businesses to communicate with customers in real-time and provide support.

Q. How do I ensure the security of customer data when using WhatsApp Business API?

A. Businesses using WhatsApp Business API must comply with WhatsApp's data privacy and security guidelines to ensure the security of customer data. This includes encryption of all messages and data in transit and at rest.